Westminster Caterers
Welcome to the caterers section of our Westminster directory.
London Directory has provided the following Westminster wedding catering, corporate hospitality and gourmet catering listings in this section.
Letheby & Christopher
Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area
116 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5ED
Tel: 020 78391233
Bangladesh Caterers Association
Caterers (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving London area
403 Harrow Road, London, W9 3NF
Leith's At The Centre
Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area
The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Broad Sanctuary, London, SW1P 3EE
Tel: 020 77984000
Urban Productions
Caterers (Head Office) serving London area
63-65 Goldney Road, London, W9 2AR
Tel: 020 72861700
Eat Your Hearts Out
Caterers (Business at Home) serving London area
Basement Flat, 108a Elgin Avenue, London, W9 2HD
Tel: 020 72899446
Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area
4A Bessborough Place, London, SW1V 3SG
Tel: 020 77303750
Caterers (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving London area
61 St. Helens Gdns, London, W10 6LL
Tel: 020 89681199
Gordon Ramsay
Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area
1 Catherine Place, London, SW1E 6DX
Tel: 020 75921360
Pret a Manger
Caterers (Office & Administration) serving London area
49 Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9LQ
Tel: 020 79325328
Travellers Fare
Caterers (Other) serving London area
Office, Victoria Station, London, SW1V 1JT
Tel: 020 78344130